I recognize that my readers come from three categories: 1) friends and loved ones who are trying to figure me out, 2) those from the Aspie community (especially the relatively small number of Christian Aspies), and 3) those who are interested in my political, social, and religious perspectives.
Well, today's post is for those of you in the third group who have been griping that I've catered too much to those in the second group. (By the way, if I ever get my act together, I will try splitting this blog into two or more blogs to cater to the individual audiences. I wouldn't hold my breath until at least May, though.) Thanks to a recent column from one of my favorite columnists, David Brooks, I discovered a new blogger whose work I really appreciate. Rod Dreher writes for the American Conservative and comes down more on the Communitarian side of conservativism (which is closer to my position as well). But not only is his political commentary insightful, but his writing about his life I find very interesting. He recently moved from a major city to a small town in Louisiana to be near family and re-connect with a community. His discussion of community life is both heart-warming and interesting for someone like me who has never personally experienced that kind of community outside of college. So, for my readers of a more Communitarian bent, I encourage you to check Rod Dreher out.